Category: news

Ministry Prize for outstanding academic achievements for Rafał Weron

Rafał Weron received the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Prize for outstanding academic achievements. The ceremony took place on Friday, December 9th 2016 at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN. Congrats!

The most recent Ministry ranking of academic publications for year 2016

17591 positions are in the most recent Ministry ranking of academic publications for year 2016. As usual the journals are grouped into three categories: Part A with 11271 JCR-indexed journals, Part B with 2209 journals without IF, and Part C

Przemysław Zaleski’s book

Texter has published a book co-authored by Przemysław Zaleski: Sławomir Bielecki, Przemysław Zaleski, Bartosz Fortuński (2016) Wybrane problemy zarządzania energetyką, Texter, Warszawa. The e-book is available from:

SONATA grant for Katarzyna Maciejowska

In the last edition of NCN grant calls our Department has received financing for another project – Katarzyna Maciejowska’s “Analiza hurtowego rynku energii elektrycznej przy wykorzystaniu strukturalnych modeli wektorowej autoregresji SVAR: ocena wpływu odnawialnych źródeł energii na poziomm i zmienność

Article in Information Systems and e-Business Management

As part of NCN grant no. 2013/11/B/HS4/01061 Economic consequences of consumer opinion formation and decision making: Agent-based modeling of innovation diffusion carried out in our Department we have published another article, this time in Information Systems and e-Business Management (ISEB; IF_5Y

Article in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF_5Y = 7.445)

As part of NCN grant no. 2013/11/B/HS4/01061 Economic consequences of consumer opinion formation and decision making: Agent-based modeling of innovation diffusion carried out in our Department we have published an article in a prestigious review journal (IF_5Y = 7.445, 45p MNiSW):

David Ramsey’s book

Springer-Verlag has published a book co-authored by Dave Ramsey: F. Frommlet, M. Bogdan, D. Ramsey (2016) Phenotypes and Genotypes: The Search for Influential Genes, Springer-Verlag, London.