Category: news

FNP START 2024 scholarship for Bartosz Uniejewski

Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) has announced the results of the prestigious START 2024 competition for young, talented researchers at the outset of their career, who have already achieved some success in their field. Among the 100 laureates is Bartosz

Rainer Hegselmann visited our Department

In early May Rainer Hegselmann (MODUS, University of Bayreuth & Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany) visited our Department. Rainer is the founder of a highly popular major at the University of Bayreuth combining philosophy and economics, and co-author

Associate Professor Wiesław Dobrowolski

We have a new Associate Professor! As of May 1st, Wiesław Dobrowolski was promoted to this prestigious teaching position. Vivat Akademia! Vivat Profesores!

Asha Thomas secured the 1st place in the 5th edition of the SECUNDUS program

The results of the SECUNDUS program for the best track record among young scientists have been announced this week. The first place in the discipline of Management and Quality Sciences went to ? Asha Thomas. Congrats! The 3rd place was

Job offer: Assistant Professor (research and teaching)

We have an opening for an Assistant Professor (research and teaching position) with expertise in the application of simulation methods in management:

Arkadiusz Lipiecki receives the Best Youngster Presentation award at the ICCF 2024 conference

Arkadiusz Lipiecki, a student of the PWr Doctoral School and an investigator in the NCN MAESTRO grant Crossing Frontiers in electricity prIce forecasTing (CrossFIT) being carried out in our Department, received one of three Best Youngster Presentation awards at the

Presentation of doctoral degrees

During the ceremony on March 9, 2024 in the auditorium of the main building, doctoral degrees were presented to 138 people. Among them were two (former 😉 ) PhD students from our Department: dr inż. Akhil Kunche dr inż. Bartosz

New Departmental “Highly Cited Paper”

Article coauthored by Rafał Weron: K. Olivares, C. Challu, G. Marcjasz, R. Weron, A. Dubrawski (2023) Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables: Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx, International Journal of Forecasting 39(2), 884-900 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2022.03.001) has received enough citations

Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska Deputy Head of Academia Professorum Iuniorum

Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska has been appointed Deputy Head of Academia Professorum Iuniorum (API). The role of API is to support Associate Professors who are working on innovative topics and building new research teams. API members receive a two-year internal grant of

Asha Thomas appointed as Associate Editor of Business Process Management Journal

Asha Thomas has been appointed as Associate Editor of Business Process Management Journal (IF=4.1, CiteScore=8.0). BPMJ examines how a variety of business processes intrinsic to organizational efficiency and effectiveness are integrated and managed for competitive success. Congrats!