4+ departmental articles in IF journals and CORE A conferences (December 2021-April 2022)

In the last 5 months 3 departmental articles have been published in impact factor (IF) journals:

  • K. Dębicki, E. Hashorva, Z. Michna (2022) On the continuity of Pickands constants, Journal of Applied Probability 59(1), 187-201 (doi: 10.1017/jpr.2021.42).
  • M. Goerigk, A. Kasperski, P. Zieliński (2022) Robust two-stage combinatorial optimization problems under convex second-stage cost uncertainty, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 43, 497-527 (doi: 10.1007/s10878-021-00776-4).
  • A. Jędrzejewski, J. Lago, G. Marcjasz, R. Weron (2022) Electricity price forecasting: The dawn of machine learning, IEEE Power & Energy Magazine 20(3), 24-31 (doi: 10.1109/MPE.2022.3150809).

Moreover, another article has been accepted for publication and has appeared as In Press, Corrected Proof:

  • K. Olivares, C. Challu, G. Marcjasz, R. Weron, A. Dubrawski (2022) Neural basis expansion analysis with exogenous variables: Forecasting electricity prices with NBEATSx, International Journal of Forecasting  (doi: 10.1016/j.ijforecast.2022.03.001).

And the following 2 articles have been published in their final form:

  • G. Koronakos, D. Sotiros, D. Despotis, M. Kritikos (2022) Fair efficiency decomposition in network DEA: a compromise programming approach, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 79, 101100 (doi: 10.1016/j.seps.2021.101100).
  • A. Kowalska-Pyzalska, R. Michalski, M. Kott, A. Skowrońska-Szmer, J. Kott (2022) Consumer preferences towards alternative fuel vehicles. Results from the conjoint analysis, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews 155, 111776 (doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2021.111776).

Finally, an article has been presented at a CORE A conference:

  • R. Guillaume, A. Kasperski, P. Zieliński (2021) Robust possibilistic optimization with copula function, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems – FUZZ-IEEE (doi: 10.1109/FUZZ45933.2021.9494572).