
7 departmental articles in impact factor journals (April-October 2019)

In the last six months 7 departmental articles have been published in impact factor (IF) journals: Y. Chawla, A. Kowalska-Pyzalska (2019) Public awareness and consumer acceptance of smart meters among Polish social media users, Energies 12(14), 2759 (doi: 10.3390/en12142759). M.

Professor Rafał Weron is the new Head of Department

Professor Rafał Weron took up the position of the Head of Department of Operations Research on 1 October 2019. He is also the Head of the Management and Quality Studies Council at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. Warm

Two Diamond Grants for our students

Ministry of Science and Higher Education has announced the results of the 8th edition of the prestigious Diamond Grant program. Among the 85 laureates are Grzegorz Marcjasz (#3) and Bartosz Uniejewski (#2) – graduates of Applied Mathematics at the Faculty

Job offer: 2 Assistant Professor positions in our Department

We are looking for young (in spirit ;-), talented and willing to work in our team. A PhD in Management, Economics, Finance, Mathematics, Physics or IT is required. We offer an opportunity to work in research grants (currently we are

Call for Research Collaboration

Project TeTris Call for Research Collaboration The Economic Modeling Research Team at the Department of Operation Research, Faculty of Computer Science and Management, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland is preparing a research project, which includes following fields of

10 departmental articles in impact factor journals (October 2018-March 2019)

In the last six months 10 departmental articles have been published in impact factor (IF) journals: J. Gil, D. Ramsey, P. Pawlowski, E. Szmida, P. Leszczynski, M. Bebenek, M.M. Sasiadek (2018) The influence of tumor microenvironment on ATG4D gene expression

MAESTRO grant for our Department

National Science Centre has announced the laureates of the MAESTRO10 grant scheme. Among them is a project from our Department: Crossing Frontiers in electricity prIce forecasTing – CrossFIT (PI: Rafał Weron, budget: 2 961 200 PLN) Congrats!  

Five scholarships of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for our students

Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded 656 student and 82 doctoral scholarships. The recipients include Katarzyna Hubicka, Grzegorz Marcjasz, Tomasz Serafin, Bartosz Uniejewski and Tomasz Weron, students of Applied Mathematics and investigators/collaborators in NCN grants in our Department. Congrats!

Jakub Nowotarski receives the Prime Minister’s Prize for doctoral theses

On Wednesday December 19th our former PhD student – Jakub Nowotarski – received the Polish Prime Minister’s Prize for doctoral theses for 2017 (description in Polish). The PhD entitled “Forecast averaging as a method to mitigate risks related to decision

7 Golden PWr Pins for researchers from our Department

During the 50th anniversary gala of the Faculty of Computer Science and Management Grzegorz Chodak, Adam Kasperski, Jerzy Pieronek, Ewa Prałat, Adam Wasilewski, Rafał Weron and Jacek Zabawa received Golden PWr Pins. Congrats!