
BEETHOVEN grant for Rafał Weron

In the last edition of NCN grant calls our Department has received financing for another project – Rafał Weron’s BEETHOVEN grant “Investigating Market Microstructure and shOrt-term pRice forecasTing in intrA-day eLectricity markets (IMMORTAL)” [budget 768 300 PLN + 239 000

MINIATURA grant for Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska

In the last edition of NCN grant calls our Department has received financing for another project – Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska’s “Determinants of green energy acceptance among residential consumers in Poland” [budget 35 090 PLN], Congrats!

Award for the best International Journal of Forecasting paper on energy forecasting for Rafał Weron

During the closing ceremony of the ISF2017 Symposium in Cairns, professor Rob Hyndman presented the IIF Tao Hong Award for the best paper on energy forecasting published in the International Journal of Forecasting in the years 2013-2014: R. Weron (2014) Electricity

2017 Citation of Excellence Award for Rafał Weron

Rafał Weron’s article “Electricity price forecasting: A review of the state-of-the-art with a look into the future” (International Journal of Forecasting, 2014) has been selected as a winning paper in the prestigious Emerald Citation of Excellence Award for 2017. Each

OPUS grant for Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska

In the last edition of NCN grant calls our Department has received financing for another project – Anna Kowalska-Pyzalska’s “Segmentation of electrical consumers using the stage-change model: Analysis of factors enhancing adoption of DSM/DR tools” [budget 261 300 PLN]. The

Book co-authored by Przemysław Zaleski

Texter has published another book co-authored by Przemysław Zaleski, this time geopolitical: Marcin Tarnawski, Przemysław Zaleski, Luiza Kostecka-Tomaszewska (2016) Rola mocarstw w stosunkach międzynarodowych, Texter, Warszawa. The e-book is available from:

Jakub Nowotarski and Bartosz Uniejewski received scholarships of the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Ministry of Science and Higher Education awarded 709 student and 76 doctoral scholarships. The recipients include Jakub Nowotarski (as the only PhD student in economic sciences in Poland!) and Bartosz Uniejewski (a student of Applied Mathematics and investigator in an

Ministry Prize for outstanding academic achievements for Rafał Weron

Rafał Weron received the Ministry of Science and Higher Education Prize for outstanding academic achievements. The ceremony took place on Friday, December 9th 2016 at the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN. Congrats!

The most recent Ministry ranking of academic publications for year 2016

17591 positions are in the most recent Ministry ranking of academic publications for year 2016. As usual the journals are grouped into three categories: Part A with 11271 JCR-indexed journals, Part B with 2209 journals without IF, and Part C

Przemysław Zaleski’s book

Texter has published a book co-authored by Przemysław Zaleski: Sławomir Bielecki, Przemysław Zaleski, Bartosz Fortuński (2016) Wybrane problemy zarządzania energetyką, Texter, Warszawa. The e-book is available from: