
Article in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF_5Y = 7.445)

As part of NCN grant no. 2013/11/B/HS4/01061 Economic consequences of consumer opinion formation and decision making: Agent-based modeling of innovation diffusion carried out in our Department we have published an article in a prestigious review journal (IF_5Y = 7.445, 45p MNiSW):

David Ramsey’s book

Springer-Verlag has published a book co-authored by Dave Ramsey: F. Frommlet, M. Bogdan, D. Ramsey (2016) Phenotypes and Genotypes: The Search for Influential Genes, Springer-Verlag, London.

Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence

Faculty of Management Wrocław University of Science and Technology Łukasiewicza 5 (B-4 building) 50-371 Wrocław

Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence

Faculty of Management Wrocław University of Science and Technology Łukasiewicza 5 (B-4 building) 50-371 Wrocław

Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence

Faculty of Management Wrocław University of Science and Technology Łukasiewicza 5 (B-4 building) 50-371 Wrocław

Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence

Faculty of Management Wrocław University of Science and Technology Łukasiewicza 5 (B-4 building) 50-371 Wrocław

Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence

Faculty of Management Wrocław University of Science and Technology Łukasiewicza 5 (B-4 building) 50-371 Wrocław

Department of Operations Research and Business Intelligence

Faculty of Management Wrocław University of Science and Technology Łukasiewicza 5 (B-4 building) 50-371 Wrocław