Logistics, trade and consumer decisions in the age of the Internet
Grant no.: NCN 2018/29/B/HS4/02857
Funding agency: National Science Centre (NCN), Poland
Funding scheme: OPUS
Funding period: 1.3.2019-28.02.2022 (36 months), extended to 28.02.2023 (48 months; due to COVID-19)
Budget: 491 200 PLN
Title in Polish: Logistyka, handel i decyzje konsumenckie w erze Internetu
Research team:
Principal Investigator (Kierownik):
Investigators (Wykonawcy):
- Grzegorz Chodak
- Anna Lamek
- Adam Wasilewski
- Aleksander Mariański
Collaborators (Współpracownicy):
- Steve Alpern (University of Warwick, UK)
- Yash Chawla
- Robbert Fokkink (TU Delft, NL)
- Vladimir Mazalov (Karelia Research Centre, RUS)
- Grażyna Suchacka (University of Opole)
- Leopold Szczurowski
– Ph.D. / M.Sc. / B.Sc. student
Aims and scope:
The advances in information technology and the rise of Internet trading have given rise to new ways in which trading is carried out and consumers make purchasing decisions. The main objects of the project are:
- to develop new models of consumers’ decision making processes which take into account both the vast amount of information that is available via IT and the limited rationality of humans,
- to describe ways of making the logistics processes of Internet traders more efficient on the basis of mathematical modeling and simulation,
- to model the interaction between Internet retailers and consumers using a game theoretic approach.
The project will be based on three tasks, which are interesting both from the point of view of fundamental research (developing new mathematical and econometric models) and a practical point of view (understanding the interactions between Internet traders and their clients).
- Development of models of consumer choice that reflect both the availability of a huge amount of data and the heuristic search processes used by humans due to their limited memory abilities of perception.
- Examining ways of improving the logistics processes of Internet retailers via mathematical modeling and simulation.
- Using game theory to model the interaction between Internet retailers and consumers, e.g. how should retailers use information about individual customers and present their products, how should clients react.
Peer-reviewed articles in JCR-listed journals
2022 (0), 2021 (1), 2020 (3), 2019 (0)
- G. Chodak, Y. Chawla (2021) Social media marketing for businesses: Organic promotions of web-links on Facebook, Journal of Business Research 135, 49-65.
- G. Chodak (2020) The problem of shelf-warmers in electronic commerce: A proposed solution, Information Systems and e-Business Management 18(2), 259-280.
- G. Chodak, G. Suchacka, Y. Chawla (2020) HTTP-level e-commerce data based on server access logs for an online store, Computer Networks 183, 107589.
- D. Ramsey (2020) A game theoretic model of choosing a valuable good via a short list heuristic, Mathematics 8(2), 199.
Peer-reviewed articles in non JCR-listed journals
2022 (0), 2021 (0), 2020 (1), 2019 (1)
- T.S. Almigheerbi, D. Ramsey, A. Lamek (2020) Information management in a collaboratively-developed approach to enterprise resource planning – A higher education perspective, Information 11(3), 146.
- D. Ramsey (2019) Optimal selection from a set of offers using a short list, Multiple Criteria Decision Making 14, 75-92.
Book chapters
2022 (0), 2021 (0), 2020 (2), 2019 (0)
- D. Ramsey (2020) Group decision making based on constructing a short list. In: Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXXV, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 52-75.
- D. Ramsey (2020) On the sensitivity of the optimal length of short list in a two-stage job search problem. In: Business, Economics and Science: Common Challenges, Filodiritto Editore, Bologna, Italy.
Conference papers
2022 (0), 2021 (1), 2020 (3), 2019 (1)
- G. Chodak, Y. Chawla (2021) Artificial intelligence in online stores’ processes, Advanced Computing: 11th International Conference, IACC 2021, Msida, Malta, December 2021, Springer, 214-228.
- A. Mariański, M. Kędziora, D. Ramsey, L. Szczurowski (2020) On forming shortlists of attractive offers from large databases: The example of purchasing a flat, Proceedings of the 35th IBIMA Conference, April 2020, Sevilla, Spain.
- D. Ramsey (2020) On the effect of errors in pairwise comparisons during search based on a short list, Proceedings of Mathematical Models in Economics (MME 2020), September 2020, Brno, Czech Republic.
- A. Wasilewski (2020) Purchasing decisions of customers and efficiency indicators of the e-shop, Proceedings of the 34th IBIMA Conference, November 2019, Madrid, Spain.
- G. Chodak, Y. Chawla, A. Dzidowski, K. Ludwikowska (2019) The effectiveness of marketing communication in social media, Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Social Media ECSM, University of Brighton, UK, 13-14th June, 2019.