W ostatnich 9 miesiącach ukazało się 13 publikacji Katedry w czasopismach z impact factorem (IF):
- K. Dębicki, E. Hashorva, Z. Michna (2024) On Berman functions, Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 26, art. 2
(doi: 10.1007/s11009-023-10059-6).
- H.K. Duggal, P. Khatri, A. Thomas, M. Pironti (2024) Changing learning paradigms: an interplay of digital taylorism and technostress on perceived employability, Journal of Management History 30(2), 166-194
(doi: 10.1108/JMH-12-2022-0089).
- R. Guillaume, A. Kasperski, P. Zieliński (2024) A framework of distributionally robust possibilistic optimization, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 23, 253-278 (doi: 10.1007/s10700-024-09420-2).
- P. Khatri, H.K. Duggal, W.M. Lim, A. Thomas, A. Shiva (2024) Student well-being in higher education: scale development and validation with implications for management education, International Journal of Management Education 22(1), art. 100933 (doi: 10.1016/j.ijme.2024.100933).
- P. Khatri, H.K. Duggal, A. Varma, A. Thomas, S. Dutta (2024) Self-leadership: qualitative leadership research using deductive pattern matching approach, Journal of Asia Business Studies 18(1), 252-274
(doi: 10.1108/JABS-06-2023-0229).
- G. Koronakos, M.N. Kritikos, D. Sotiros (2024) A common weights multiplicative aggregation approach for composite indicators: the case of Global City Competitiveness Index, Expert Systems with Applications 242, art. 122543 (doi: 10.1016/j.eswa.2023.122543).
- K. Maciejowska, T. Serafin, B. Uniejewski (2024) Probabilistic forecasting with a hybrid Factor-QRA approach: Application to electricity trading, Electric Power Systems Research 234, art. 110541
(doi: 10.1016/j.epsr.2024.110541).
- F. Petropoulos, G. Laporte, E. Aktas, S.A. Alumur, C. Archetti, H. Ayhan, M. Battarra, J.A. Bennell, J.-M. Bourjolly, J.E. Boylan, M. Breton, D. Canca, L. Charlin, B. Chen, C.T. Cicek, L.A. Cox Jr, C.S.M. Currie, E. Demeulemeester, L. Ding, S.M. Disney, M. Ehrgott, M.J. Eppler, G. Erdoğan, B. Fortz, L.A. Franco, J. Frische, S. Greco, A.J. Gregory, R.P. Hämäläinen, W. Herroelen, M. Hewitt, J. Holmström, J.N. Hooker, T. Işık, J. Johnes, B.Y. Kara, Ö. Karsu, K. Kent, C. Köhler, M. Kunc, Y.-H. Kuo, J. Lienert, A.N. Letchford, J. Leung, D. Li, H. Li, I. Ljubić, A. Lodi, S. Lozano, V. Lurkin, S. Martello, I.G. McHale, G. Midgley, J.D.W. Morecroft, A. Mutha, C. Oğuz, S. Petrovic, U. Pferschy, H.N. Psaraftis, S. Rose, L. Saarinen, S. Salhi, J.-S. Song, D. Sotiros, K.E. Stecke, A.K. Strauss, İ. Tarhan, C. Thielen, P. Toth, G. Vanden Berghe, C. Vasilakis, V. Vaze, D. Vigo, K. Virtanen, X. Wang, R. Weron, L. White, T. Van Woensel, M. Yearworth, E.A. Yıldırım, G. Zaccour, X. Zhao (2024) Operational research: Methods and applications, Journal of the Operational Research Society 75(3), 423-617
(doi: 10.1080/01605682.2023.2253852).
- D. Skrzypczak, K. Trzaska, F. Gil, Y. Chawla, K. Mikula, G. Izydorczyk, M. Samoraj, K. Tkacz, I. Turkiewicz, K. Moustakas, K. Chojnacka (2023) Towards anaerobic digestate valorization to recover fertilizer nutrients: elaboration of technology and profitability analysis, Biomass and Bioenergy 178, art. 106967 (doi: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2023.106967).
- S. Tomczak (2023) General bankruptcy prediction models for the Visegrád Group. The stability over time, Operations Research and Decisions 33(4), 171-187
(doi: 10.37190/ord230410).
- A. Wasilewski (2024) Functional framework for multivariant e-commerce user interfaces, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 19(1), 412-430
(doi: 10.3390/jtaer19010022).
- A. Wasilewski, G. Kołaczek (2024) One size does not fit all: Multivariant user interface personalization in e-commerce, IEEE Access 12, 65570-65582
(doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3398192).
- S. Worku, P. Mullick (2024) Detecting self-organizing patterns in crowd motion: effect of optimization algorithms, Journal of Mathematics in Industry 14, art. 6
(doi: 10.1186/s13362-024-00145-w).
A kolejne 2 artykuły zostały przyjęte do druku i ukazały się (na razie) w formie elektronicznej:
- A. Ashrafa, S.A. Batoolb, E. Jasińska (2023) FDI and women empowerment in developing countries: does the entry heterogeneity matter? Applied Economics Letters (doi: 10.1080/13504851.2023.2275659).
- P. Khatri, P. Kumari, A. Thomas (2024) Happy knowledge creators sustain nations: scale development and validation of happiness at work, Kybernetes (doi: 10.1108/K-11-2023-2334)
Ponadto, poniższe artykuły ukazały się w ostatecznej formie:
- F. Gilal, J. Paul, A. Thomas, L. Zarantonello, R. Gilal (2023) Brand passion: a systematic review and future research agenda, Journal of Brand Management 30, 490-515 (doi: 10.1057/s41262-023-00324-x).
- P. Khatri, H. Duggal, S. Dutta, P. Kumari, A. Thomas, T. Brod, L. Colimoro (2023) Unveiling heterogenous knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge acquisition based hybrid work agility of knowledge workers, Journal of Knowledge Management 27(11), 253-278 (doi: 10.1108/JKM-10-2022-0793).
- P. Khatri, S. Dutta, P. Kumari, H. Duggal, A. Thomas, I. Cristillo, S. Nobis (2023) Modeling intellectual capital-based intrapreneurial ability of working professionals through servant leadership and self-efficacy, Journal of Intellectual Capital 24(6), 1485-1505 (doi: 10.1108/JIC-10-2022-0208).
- U.F. Sahibzada, A. Thomas, M.S.U.K. Sumbal, M. Malik (2023) Nexus of knowledge management and organizational performance: a cross-country study of China and Pakistan higher educational institutes, Kybernetes 52(12), 6348-6378 (doi: 10.1108/K-08-2021-0768).
- A. Thomas (2023) Promoting IT professionals’ tacit knowledge sharing through social capital and web 2.0: the moderating role of absorptive capacity, Kybernetes 52(12), 5849-5874 (doi: 10.1108/K-05-2022-0649).
W końcu, 1 artykuł został wygłoszony na konferencji rangi CORE A:
- A. Wasilewski, G. Kołaczek (2024) Sustainability in the digital age: Assessing the carbon footprint of e-commerce platforms, LNCS 14834 (ICCS 2024), 154-161 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-63759-9_19). Uwaga: Formalnie, od 2023 ICCS jest klasyfikowana jako CORE Multiconference, a nie CORE A.